Item No.
RDT-BG02 Desgin
25Lバックパック/ BACK PACK 25L Size
W 33cm x H 47〜56cm x D 15cm Color
超高密度ミリクロス / SUPER-HIGH DENSITY MILICLOTH // NYLON60% POLYESTER40%,ORIGINAL HORSEBUTT #1010 Made by Italy & Jaoan,BRASS / IRON Lether Product
ITALY → JAPAN Product Country
Made in Japan Price in Japan
¥78,000 +TAX
長年温め続けていたROLLING DUB TRIOが新たに提案するバックパック。
もともとイタリア軍の航空パイロットの防寒用としても用いられ、水の粒子が通らないほどの高密度な生地です。内側には、背面側に13inchまでのノートパソコンを収納できるL字型ポケットを配備。また、充電器やキーボード、マウスなどの各種アクセサリーも収納可能です。高密度ミリクロスの手触りは軽くて柔らかく、軽い起毛感を感じる生地。ナイロン60% ポリエステル40%程の合繊素材ですが、着込むほどにアタリがあらわれ、経年変化していきます。様々なスタイリングでお楽しみください。
The best Back Pack that we have been incubating for years has finally come out.
Smartly fit to our urban life with big enough carriage space. High density Mili-cloth with efficient water repellence is not only offering high functionality but has silky smooth quality touch.Mili-cloth is a Nylon/Polyester fabric woven to extra high density as it does not let water molecule pass through, while assuring the breathability. The cloth used to be used for aviation gear for Italian air force. Inner PC sleeve accommodates 13inch notebook. Sleeve can be accessed from the top and a side. On the sleeve are gadget holders for external batteries, keyboards, mouse, etc. Like the leather, the milicloth enriches its patina. The touch of milicloth is soft and silky. The composition (Nylon 60%, Polyester 40%) makes us imagine something chemical but it grows its patina, as we use the back pack. Enjoy the unique characters of the back pack with the style you want.